New Delhi: The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu has said that we should teach our traditions, our rich cultural heritage to Children so that our cultural heritage is protected. He was interacting with the School Children from various Schools from Delhi who called on him to greet him on the Independence Day, here today.
The Vice President said that Children are future of our nation and they should be given good education as well as good conduct. He further said that we should also teach about sacrifices made by our great leaders for Freedom which will be a tribute to those great leaders.
The Vice President said that Children should be made to remember Mother, Mother tongue, Motherland and Birth place. He further said that we should also make our Children to speak only in Mother tongue at home. We should imbibe the feeling of first we are Indians, then we are others, he added.
The Vice President said that we should teach our Children to Respect Nature and Live with Nature. We should make them understand Nature and Culture together for Better Future which is important in everyone’s life, he added.