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The Decision we have taken, The Policy we Formulated and The Commitment Towards These Goals Will Lead to Improvement in The Ground Situation: Shri Radha Mohan Singh

Shri Radha Mohan Singh in Berlin, Germany at the International Green Week 2017 meeting of the expert panel addressed

New Delhi: Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Radha Mohan Singh addressed the Expert Panel meeting on International Green Week-2017, today at Berlin, Germany. Shri Singh said that good seeds and fertilizer fail to achieve their full potential if plants are not optimally watered. The application of water should avoid wastage of a valuable resource and be in sympathy with the environment as a whole.

Shri Singh Said that in India, about 86% percent is used for agriculture, 6 percent for industries and 8 percent for domestic uses. It was 5,177 cubic meter in 1951 and will reach to 1,341 and 1,140 cubic meter in 2025 and 2050 i.e. near to water scarcity line, respectively. Shri Singh said that due to continuous fall in per capita water availability and increasing population of the nation, it becomes necessary to utilize every drop of available water efficiently and to produce more crops from the same available water and land, for providing Food security to growing population. It is a big challenge and responsibility on Agriculture sector to provide quality and quantity of food to the population with a scarce resource. Increasing Water Use Efficiency is a necessary step to counter the water scarcity issues, where water budgeting has to be done.

Shri Singh said that currently India and other countries faced major issues related to sustainable management of water and the issues are over exploitation of ground water resources; lack of proper crop alignment; low water use efficiency (WUE); lack of awareness among farmers; improper recycling and reuse of water, and problems related to industries

 Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister informed that to overcome such challenges Government of India have been launched various plans/schemes for sustainable use of Water:

(a)   Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) (Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Project)has been formulated on 1st July, 2015 with the vision of extending the coverage of irrigation ‘Har Khet ko pani’ (that means water to every farm) and improving water use efficiency ‘More crop per drop’ in a focused manner with end to end solution on source creation, distribution, management, field application and extension activities.  The scheme is expected to ensure access to efficient delivery and application of water at every farm thereby enhancing agricultural production and productivity.

(b)  National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) has objective of making agriculture more productive, sustainable, and remunerative and climate resilient by promoting location specific integrated/composite farming systems; soil and moisture conservation measures; comprehensive soil health management; efficient water management practices and mainstreaming rainfed technologies.

(c)  National Water Mission has objective of “conservation of water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and within states through integrated water resources development and management”.

 Shri Singh emphasized that the decision we made, the policy we formulated and the commitment to make all these happen, go a long way to make the world a better place.  Therefore, he recommend that

(a)    Greater efficiency in irrigation be pursued vigorously.  This can be achieved through proper designing of irrigation system for reducing water conveyance loss. Adoption of water saving technologies such as sprinkler and drip irrigation system have proven extremely effective in not just water conservation but also leading to higher yields with better quality of produce by delivering water in a controlled manner in parts of the plant where it is most efficiently absorbed.

(b)   The concept of multiple use of water must be popularized. Multiple use of water approach generates more income benefits, decreases vulnerability by allowing more diversified livelihood strategies and increases sustainability of ecosystem.

(c)    Emphasis should be given on water resources conservations through watershed development in suitable areas and development of micro-water structures for rainwater harvesting.

(d)   Specialized solution must be found and adopted for chronically water stressed areas where the normal measures may not be effective. Connecting highly water stressed areas with perennial source of water through linking of rivers or water grids is one such option.

(e)    Cultivation of coarse cereals particularly millets, which are pronounced  as nutri-cereals, low water requiring and climate resilient crops may be supported to meet the growing demand of safe and nutritious food worldwide.

Union Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Minister urges to collectively resolve to enhance the access to water, improve water quality, reduce water scarcity risks and manage surplus water.

Earlier, Shri Radha Mohan Singh on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare of the Republic of India, thanks the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany for the meticulous arrangements made for this meeting, in general and particularly for bringing all of us here together to discuss water management in Agriculture which indeed a key in feeding the world.

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