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Total value of organic products exported from India is Rs 5150.99 crore in 2018-19: Narendra Singh Tomar


New Delhi: Government of India has been promoting Organic farming in the country through dedicated schemes namely Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and Mission Organic Value Chain Development North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER) since 2015-16. Both the schemes aim at promotion of cluster/ Farmers Producer Organization (FPO) based chemical free, low input cost sustainable organic farming and support farmers from input procurement to market linkages.

The quantity of organic product produced during 2018-19 under Participatory Guarantee System-(PGS)-India and National Programme on Organic Production (NPOP) of Agriculture Processed Food and Export Development Authority (APEDA) is given at Annexure I. The total value of organic products exported from India is Rs 5150.99 crore (for 614089.614 MT).

Assistance of Rs 50,000 per hectare/ 3 years is     provided, out of which Rs. 31,000 (62%) is directly given to the farmers through DBT for inputs (bio-fertilizers, biopesticides, vermicompost, botanical extracts etc) production/ procurement, post harvest management etc in PKVY scheme. Farmers   adopt   low cost Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) of certification for domestic markets.

Assistance of Rs 25000/ ha/ 3 years to farmers  is provided for both on-farm & off-farm organic inputs, and seeds/ planting material in MOVCDNER and third party certified organic farming is encouraged   for export of niche crops.

Organic Farming has also been supported under other schemes viz Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Network Project on Organic Farming under ICAR.

The major thrust of the Government has shifted from production centric to market linked production so that farmers can get better returns for their produce including organic produce. To further boost production of organic produce, a dedicated web portal https://jaivikkheti.in/ has also been created to connect farmers involved in organic farming with consumers directly for better prices.

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