New Delhi: Union Minister for Drinking Water and Sanitation Uma Bharati has said that people on the bank of Ganga ned to take proactive charge of maintaining and raising sanitation standards so that the cleaniness of the river can be ensured. She was speaking at Ganga Gram Swachchhata Sammelan at Kannauj, in Uttar Pradesh today. About eight thousands swachhagrahies, Ganga volunteers, youth organization members, students and people from all walks of life, majority of them women, attended the sammelan.
Ganga Gram is a concept to transform banks on the village of River Ganga into ideal villages with emphasis on ODF, Solid and Liquid Waste Management, Water Conservation, Ground Water Recharge, modern crematorium, tree plantation, organic and medicinal plant agriculture being the main components.
The Minister appreciated the efforts made by the district team, Panchayat representatives towards making Kannauj district Open Defecation Free (ODF). She mentioned that India has shown to the world how commitment of the government and spirit of the people could propel national sanitation coverage from a lowly 39 percent to over 96 percent. She urged people to participate in SLWM activities, not to litter around and pollute water sources, take care of their waste management, and promote organic farming.
She highlighted the importance of public participation in the success of SBM program across the country. She Congratulated the exemplary efforts made by districts and state administration in achieving almost total Sanitation coverage in Uttar Pradesh.
Ms. Archana Pandey, State Minister, Government of Uttar Pradesh and Shri Akshay Rout Director General, Special Projects, MDWS, also spoke to highlight the roles played by the state and the central government in the area of Sanitation. People’s representatives, government officials from Centre and State were also present.
Later Uma Bharati had a boat ride in Ganga waters along with local communities and planted trees on the bank. She appealed to people to keep Ganga and Ganga bank villages clean with the same emotion with which they take care of their daughters and mothers.