The BJP has stepped up efforts to reach out to the electorate through social media platforms ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and on Sunday conducted a workshop for its members and supporters to help disseminate the party’s message.
Defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman and minister of state for external affairs MJ Akbar were part of the initiative attended by a group of social media users, many of whom are not part of the BJP but are seen to be sympathetic to its ideology.
Conducted by India Foundation, a BJP-inspired think tank, the ‘Social Media Leaders’ Meet’ was aimed at garnering support for the party as it prepares to take on a possible larger coalition to retain power in 2019. The workshop was held at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.
Both ministers, also on board of governors of India Foundation, were not available for comment, but people familiar with the development said the workshop was to help BJP supporters and those inclined towards the party to communicate the party’s message to a larger audience.
‘Some of the attendees are professionals with large followings on social media and are seen as critical voices that can help set an agenda. They were told how they can counter false narrative against the government and help propagate the party’s message,’ a person privy to the workshop said. HT