Uttar Pradesh district police chiefs have been asked to ensure a peaceful Christmas in the state after the Hindu Jagran Manch sent letters to schools on Sunday to avoid celebrating the Christian festival.
The state’s additional director general of police (law and order), Anand Kumar, asked district police chiefs to protect the constitutional freedom of practicing one’s religion and take appropriate action against anybody trying to break the law.
Additional police superintendent Rahul Srivastava confirmed on Tuesday the senior officer’s order.
The directive was issued after the Hindu Jagran Manch, a fringe right-wing outfit, warned Aligarh schools against celebrating Christmas and it would be “at their own risk” if they did. The majority of students in these schools are Hindus.
The warning set off alarm bells in educational institutions in Aligarh, especially Christian schools, where Christmas is celebrated by students and staff.
Officer Kumar asked his deputies to take strict action against anybody intimidating and obstructing Christmas celebrations.
Aligarh senior superintendent of police Rajesh Pandey said the district authorities won’t allow anyone to stop schools from celebrating Christmas. School managements have been assured full security, he added.