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Utilisation of funds under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme


New Delhi: Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme aims to address the issue of decline in Child Sex Ratio (CSR) through a mass campaign across the country targeted at changing societal mindset and creating awareness about the criticality of the issue, which itself requires long-term attitudinal change. However, scheme has been received well and in the last three years, several local innovative interventions have been demonstrated by the districts with support from Departments of WCD, Health & Education.  There is a strong emphasis on mindset change through training, sensitization, awareness raising and community mobilization on ground. BBBP scheme has no provision for individual cash incentive/cash transfer component by Government of India and thus is not a DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) scheme.

During 2016-17,Rs. 43.0 crore was allocated for the BBBP Scheme, but Rs. 32.69 crore could be released. To keep the efficiency of BBBP for deliverance of its objectives, the funding structure of the Scheme was revised as per guidelines from the Ministry of Finance in August, 2016. As such from the Financial Year 2016-17, under BetiBachaoBetiPadhao campaign, the Ministry has started the disbursement of grant-in-aids directly to the District Collectors/ Commissioners of selected districts for implementation of BBBP Campaign in their District.

With the direct release of funds to the districts, there was a requirement for opening a dedicated account for BBBP Scheme by the district collectors. Opening of dedicated bank account and registration under PFMS to enable the district to receive funds was the challenging task. With the continuous follow ups this has been achieved. Due to this reason the release and utilization of fund were comparatively less in the F.Y. 2016-17. However, now expenditure has improved substantially. The Ministry has taken all available means to achieve the financial target such as video conferences with States/District Administration and media campaign with an exhaustive 360-degree approach including Radio, TV campaign, Advertisements disseminated through Cinema Halls, newspaper advertisement, online digital media and community engagement through Song & Drama Division of MoI&B. With the help of mass media and programmes from Song and Drama Division and monitoring visits by Ministry’s officials, the district administrations are being motivated to achieve the target and goal of the BBBP campaign and utilization of funds has been increased.

            The details of funds allocated and released under the scheme during last three years and current year are as under:

(Amount in Crore)

S. No Financial Year Funds Allocated Total funds released
1 2014-15 50 32.28
2 2015-16 75 63.62
3 2016-17 43 32.69
4 2017-18 200 162.43*

* As on 23rd March, 2018

This information was given by Union Minister for Women and Child Development, SmtManeka Sanjay Gandhi in reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.

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