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Uttar Pradesh: PM Modi to transfer Rs 1,000 crore in the accounts of 1.60 lakh SHGs

English News

Lucknow/Prayagraj: December 21 is going to go down as a Golden Day in the history of Uttar Pradesh as Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be offering three amazing rewards to the women of the state.

The PM will be attending the programme in Prayagraj on Tuesday and transfer an amount of Rs 1,000 crore in the bank accounts of 1.60 lakh Self Help Groups benefiting as many as 16 lakh women members, lay the foundation stone for 202 Supplementary Nutrition Manufacturing Units, and transferring a total of Rs 20.20 crores to as many as 1,01,000 beneficiaries under the Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangala Scheme.

A total of 80,000 SHGs will be receiving Community Investment Fund (CIF) at a rate of Rs 1.10 lakh per SHG i.e. (Rs 880 crore) and 60,000 SHGs will receive Revolving Fund at the rate of Rs 15,000 per SHG, i.e. (Rs 120 crore).

Take-Home Ration Manufacturing Units

PM will lay the foundation stone of 202 Supplementary Nutrition Manufacturing Units, each costing approximately Rs 1 crore (including the civil works). These units are being funded by the Self Help Groups and will directly employ 4,000 SHG members and benefit 60,600 SHGs by paying against their equity contribution. These units will supply Supplementary Nutrition under the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) in 600 blocks out of 826 blocks in UP, providing the annual business opportunity of Rs 5,000 crores.

There are distinct advantages for every stakeholder in this model. It will ensure quality products and sourcing of raw material locally, which in turn will improve farmers’ income. This will completely stop the leakages which existed in the earlier model in which manufacturing and supply were done in a centralized manner by one or two industrial houses.

The State is running two pilots, established with the help of the World Food Programme. The SHG members running the plants are being paid Rs 8,000 per month as wages.

Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangala Scheme

An amount of Rs 20.20 crores will be transferred by the PM to as many as 1,01,000 beneficiaries under the Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangala Scheme. This Scheme envisages conditional cash transfer to a girl child at different stages. The total transfer is Rs 15,000 per beneficiary —- at birth (Rs 2,000); completing one year (Rs 1,000); on admission in class 1 (Rs 2000); on admission in class 6 (Rs 2,000), on admission in class 9 (Rs 3,000); on admission in any degree/diploma course after passing class 10 and 12 (Rs 5,000).

So far, the benefit has been extended to 9.92 lakh beneficiaries and after PM Modi’s transfer of benefit to 1.01 lakh more beneficiaries, the total number will reach 10.93 lakh. Kanya Sumangala Scheme also helps in improving the sex ratio and promoting girl child education.

PM Modi to transfer Rs 4000 in account of BC Sakhis

An amount of Rs 4,000 will be transferred by the Prime Minister as a first-month stipend in the account of 20,000 BC Sakhis. Uttar Pradesh has targeted to select, train and deploy Banking Correspondent Sakhi in each of the 58,189 Gram Panchayats. So far, 56,875 BC Sakhis have been selected, out of which 38,341 have been trained and certified.

The BC Sakhi after completing the training will get a loan of Rs 75,000 at an interest of 4 percent from the SHG. This amount will be used for purchasing required equipment, and they will also get Over Draft Facility from the bank. The BC Sakhis will have an opportunity to withdraw Rs 75,000 that is being transferred through DBT in various Schemes like Kissan Samman, MNREGA, pensions, etc.

This will also reduce the hardship that is being faced by people (especially divyangs and old people) traveling to bank branches to withdraw money. This initiative of the Yogi Government will enable the workers under MNREGA to withdraw their wages in the village itself or at the worksite.

The state government has empanelled six banks as partner agencies to anchor 58,189 BC Sakhis. Those who have been certified and commenced their work will be paid a stipend of Rs 4,000 for six months till they stabilize their work and start earning through the commission on transactions.

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