Dehradun: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Mr. Trivendra Singh Rawat will start ‘Jansamvad’ an interactive program titled “Dev Bhoomi Dialogue” form the month of April. Media advisor to the Chief Minister Mr. Ramesh Bhatt informed that the Chief Minister is in favour of interacting directly with people and try to formulate policies of the government as per the feedback and suggestions given by the common people. Recently Chief Minister Mr. Trivendra Singh Rawat conducted direct interaction with the people through “Aap ki Rai, Aap ka Budget” programme held in various parts of the state and included several of the suggestion given by the common people in the state budget.
Giving information about “Dev Bhoomi Dialogue,’ Mr. Ramesh Bhatt said that the idea of “Dev Bhoomi dialogue” has been conceived to have direct interaction with different sections of the people of the state. The direct interaction with the people is an important part of good governance. The Chief Minister will interact directly with people from various sections of the society every month. He will hear out their suggestions and work on them.
Issues to be discussed
During “Dev Bhoomi Dialogue” such issues will be taken up where people from every section of society will get an opportunity to forward their suggestions to the Chief Minister.
The youth who are doing something extraordinary for the state will be brought on one platform. For example, some youth have done well in organic Farming, while others have excelled in bringing education for the poor . Similarly some other have done innovation in attracting tourists. To start with 500 such youth from all over the state will assemble in the programs who are already working to bring some change in the society. Later, “ Dev Bhoomi Dialogue” will be conducted for farmers, people under start up scheme, Women self-help groups, students, entrepreneurs, social activists, environmentalist, traders, people related to skill development, people involved in cultural activities and saint community in the coming months.
Places for holding dialogue
The “Dev Bhoomi Dialogue” will be held at different places according to the importance of the subjects to be discussed. For example, Uttarkashi, Haridwar and Uddham Singh Nagar would be ideal places for holding dialogue with farmers. Similarly, Haridwar and Rishikesh would be suitable to hold interaction with saints while a dialogue on culture could be held at either at Almora or Pauri.
Programme schedule
During the “Dev Bhoomi dialogue”, the related officer will give presentation on the achievements and developmental schemes of the concerned area. This will be followed by Chief Minister Mr. Trivendra Singh Rawat giving his views on the subject. The ministers belonging to the area will also participate in the dialogue.
A question and Answer session will be part of the programme. The officers of the area will not only note down the suggestions of the people but will also answer the queries in a technical way. The concerned officer will interact with the Chief Minister on the implementation part of the suggestions and output of each programme.
It is worth mentioning that earlier, Chief Minister Mr. Trivendra Singh Rawat held “Aap ki Rai, Aap ka Budget” programme to know the views of farmers, women and youth regarding their expectation with the budget. He also interacted directly with the school students and teachers through video conferencing. From time to time, Chief Minister had been interacting with different sections of the society so that their suggestions and aspirations become part of the government policies and public participation in the implementation of the policies could be ensured. Moreover, the feedback of the common people on the various welfare scheme and policies run by the government could be gauged and their valuable suggestions taken note of.