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WCD Ministry once again cautions general public against filling up fake forms in name of BBBP


New Delhi: The  Ministry of Women & Child Development (MWCD), Government of India, since the beginning of this year, has been receiving filled up fake forms from many duped girls/women, whereby the forms falsely promise cash incentive in the name of  Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme. A “Fake Form” is an application form for receiving any form of benefits either in kind or cash which is NOT prescribed or issued by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. BBBP has no provision for individual CASH Incentive TRANSFER COMPONENT by Government of India. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme focuses on challenging mindsets and deep rooted patriarchy in the societal system, strict enforcement of PC&PNDT Act, advancing education of the girl child: focuses on issues of women empowerment on a life cycle continuum. It is not a DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) scheme. It is implemented through the office of Collectors/DMs/DCs in the Districts and for multi-media advocacy outreach through authorized media agencies.

         The fake scheme started by miscreants, which first appeared in the State of UP, gradually spread to neighboring States like Haryana, Uttrakhand, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi. In some measures, forms have also been received from Bihar, West Bengal,  Kerala, Rajasthan.  Total forms received mainly by registered post have flooded the Ministry running into lakhs of fake forms. We have taken up with the Authorities of the affected States for checking the menace. Also, we have carried out warning public notices  against the illegal activity and advising citizens not to fall prey to such misleading and false activity through print media, TVs, Radio, Social Media, Ministry’s website and through post offices, besides action taken by State Governments through their channels and local media. The warning has been broadcast several times. In the media campaigns, Ministry had advised that no personal details should be shared and no one should subscribe to such fraudulent scheme. However, many people continue to fall prey to the fraud and even paying money and disclosing personal details for a non-existent benefit/scheme being falsely offered in the name of BBBP scheme. In other words, the menace is not dying down.

       In view of the above, the WCD Ministry has  decided that hence forth, ANY SUCH FAKE AND ILLEGAL FORMS RECEIVED IN THE MINISTRY WILL BE DISPOSED OFF SUMMARILY BY DESTROYING AND WITHOUT ISSUING ANY NOTICE. A notification to this effect has been issued and can be seen on the Ministry’s Website.

The general public is therefore, once again advised not to fall prey to this fraudulent activity of filling fake forms , wasting energy and resource.

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