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WhatsApp latest update lets you switch from voice to video calling and vice-versa


The popular messaging app, WhatsApp has added to its arsenal one more feature. The app has been updating itself to suit the continuously changing needs of its users. This time, It has introduced the option to switch from the voice calling to video calling directly and vice-versa.

WhatsApp has been the favourite messaging app for Indians now for some time. The app has fundamentally changed the way we used to text each other. WhatsApp is one app that can be attributed to having exploited the advent of the internet the best way.

Everything we talk about WhatsApp seems to be just perfect. The user interface built around the idea of simple but beautiful hassle-free messaging makes the app most used messaging app in India and the world at large.

While the app has been providing its users with useful updates quite regularly but there has been yet another update coming. For those of you who have even for used WhatsApp for video calling and there has been a situation that you needed to switch to the voice calling directly form the video calling. WhatsApp has listened to our prayers, and come up with its latest update that allows you to toggle between the voice and video callings.

The update is a very fundamental improvement in terms of the issues it takes care of. WhatsApp recently introduced the feature of adding a description to the groups. The group descriptions can be 512 characters long and seen by going to the group info, where it can be found below the group photo and name.

These will also be available on the chat screen as a box, tapping on which will take you to the description. Moreover, the update also includes an easier way to switch from a voice call to video call by the tap of a button.

The WhatsApp calling can now be switched between voice and video by a simple tap of a button. The interface during a voice call now consists a video call button that enables a user to switch to video callings and vice versa. The feature was initially spotted on WhatsApp beta version for Android in January this year and has been rolled out on iOS in February this year.

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